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Visegrád, not only in the past, but also now, the chivalrous atmosphere is present! Hungary's largest historical festival, the International Palace Games of Visegrád, is held here every year. Next year’s games will be the 40th edition.

Perched above the scenic Danube Bend, Visegrád Palace in Hungary is a site steeped in medieval history and royal legacy.
This iconic palace once served as the royal seat of Hungary in the 14th century, under the rule of King Charles I and later Louis the Great. Its intricate Gothic and early Renaissance architecture reflects a time of grandeur, when Hungary’s kings and nobles gathered within these walls. The palace’s sprawling courtyards and fortified walls tell tales of a bygone era, where the spirit of chivalry and nobility was ever-present. Our tournament arena will be located on the Palace site below the Visegrád's Fortress that stands proudly atop the hill.

Time frame for our event:

16th July - Arrival - Registration Day

17th July - First day of fights

20th July - Last day of fights - Closing Day

The schedule may be subject to change, depending on the circumstances.

Day 0  (16th July)

12:00 Registration opens

13:00 Weapons check begins

13:00 Safety & AC check begins

17:00 All close

19:00 Captains meeting

19:00 Registration and weapons check opens 

19:00 Safety & AC check begins

21:00 All close

Day 1  (17th July)

08:00 Registration and weapons check opens 

08:30 AC and safety check for all duelists scheduled for this morning

08:30 Captains meeting

09:00 Duels begin

13:00 Lunch break - All close

14:30 AC and safety check for all duelists scheduled for this afternoon

15:00 Duels continue

17:30 Dinner break - all close

18:30 AC and safety check for outrance fighters
18:30 Captains meeting

19:00 Outrance begins

22:00 End of night - all close

Day 2  (18th July)

08:00 Registration and weapons check opens 

08:30 Captains Meeting

09:00 Duels finals begin
09:00 AC and safety check for outrance fighters

10:00 Outrance begins
13:00 Lunch break - all close

14:30 AC and safety check for outrance fighters

15:00 Outrance finals

16:00 Women's 5s AC and safety check

16:30 Women's 5s begin

17:30 Dinner break - all close
18:00 Men's 5s AC and safety check

18:30 Men's 5s begin

22:00 End of night - all close

Day 3  (19th July)

08:00 Weapons check opens 

08:30 Men's 5s AC and safety check

08:30 Captains Meeting

09:00 Men's 5s begin
12:00 Lunch break - all close
13:30 Men's & Women's 5s AC and safety check

14:00 Men's & Women's 5s finals

16:00 Dinner break - all close

16:30 Men's & Women's 12s AC and safety check

17:00 Men's & Women's 12s begin

21:00 End of night - all close

Day 4  (20th July)

08:30 Men's & Women's 12s AC and safety check

08:30 Captains meeting

09:00 Men's & Women's 12s finals begin

10:00 Men's 30s AC and safety check

10:30 Men's 30s begin

13:00 Lunch break - all close
15:00 Men's 30s finals begin

16:30 All vs all begins

17:30 Awards ceremony

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Information from “vacation websites” for an indication overview and is just a guideline. Prices may be higher or lower.


Daily budget: Visegrad

  • Accommodation: €106 per person/night (1 room at €106)

  • Meal(s): €25 per person/day

  • Transport: €12 per person/day


Medical facilities

  • Visegrad major hospital more then 30 minutes away


  • Medieval town, various options

  • Nearby major city: Budapest, all modern facilities readily available



  • Medieval palace with medieval Castle on the hill above, fighting where medieval tournaments took place


  • Within and outside the EU: Cheapest nearby airport: Budapest, nearly an hour away​

World Championships Updates


Acquiring the information

All the information we have is shared by the hosts who submitted the bids. All this information is free to look into and is available on our Google Drive and forum. Please review the information yourself and come up with a verdict about where we should host our first world championships for Buhurt International!


Prices and dates

All the prices and dates are subjected to changes over time. The current dates of the events are proposed and will most likely be used. Final dates will be given by Buhurt International once everything is finalized.


Travel restrictions

Please make sure that you check your travel restrictions and that there are no major issues with traveling to one of these bids.

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