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We would like to present you the long awaited results from the championship held during Bitva Libušín in April in Czech Republic!

MEn's longsword

  1. Sebastian coors

  2. Ronin Sato

  3. Vladimir Maksimenko

Women's longword

  1. Celeste Seymore

  2. Julee Peterson

  3. Toni King

MEn's sword and shield

  1. Landon Morris

  2. Krzysztof Baran

  3. Slawomir Halat

women's sword and shield

  1. Shoshana Shellens

  2. Samantha Rose

  3. Verena Scheidacker

men's sword and buckler

  1. Colin Compbell

  2. Jake Coles

  3. Kai Knobelsdorff

women's sword and buckler

  1. Evie Spurdle

  2. Siobhan Oxford

  3. Ira Bolshakova

men's polearm

  1. Bohumil Masnicak

  2. Sergio Quattrini

  3. Leonid Feigus

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