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Battle-Hardened Brotherhood: The Rise and Spirit of Les Comtois

In this article, we dive into the journey of "Les Comtois," a medieval combat team rooted in the traditions of the Franche-Comté region. From their founding in 2016 to their rapid rise in the competitive scene, the team has remained dedicated to fostering camaraderie, training new fighters, and proudly representing their heritage. We explore their greatest achievements, challenges they've overcome, and how they prepare for battle, while also highlighting the close-knit spirit that defines them both on and off the field.

Can you introduce your team?

The team “Les Comtois” was born in 2016 and quickly attracted and trained good fighters. In the year of its creation, the club won the Coupe de France(1). Based in Morbier, in the Jura mountains, it has around fifteen active fighters from Franche-Comté, Switzerland and even Germany.


(1) : French Cup


Who are the key players on your team, and what roles do they play?

The club is structured around a very solid core, carrying the values ​​and identity of the team. Each member has a responsibility towards the club and has given it their loyalty, thus contributing to its sustainability.

What is the story behind your team’s name and logo?

“Les Comtois” takes the name of the inhabitants of the Franche-Comté region. This region was one of the last to be annexed to France. Our motto, “Comtois, rends-toi! Nenni, ma foi!”(2), echoes the response of the last defenders of Besançon, when they refused to surrender to the King of France. This is also why we display the weapons and coats of arms of our region.


(2) : literally “Comtois, surrender! No, my faith!”


What has been your team’s greatest achievement or proudest moment?

Our team participates in all tournaments in France and travels to Switzerland and Italy to face formidable opponents. The club won the Coupe de France, as well as the French Championship (online(3)). Several of our fighters are called up to the French team each year. However, our greatest success is our ability to quickly train new members who quickly find their place within the team.


(3) : on the website of the French Buhurt Federation you can find the ranking of the French teams and on several occasions, Les Comtois was at the first place at the end of the season.

What are some of the challenges your team has faced, and how did you overcome them?

We are committed to train new competitors, transmit to them what we have received, and we are proud to see them fight alongside us. We quickly trust our recruits, not hesitating to take them into competition rather than sacrificing them as mercenaries or keeping only the best elements on the main team. We are also facing a disruption that is having a profound impact on our club today, but we will remain united until the end to support our friends in this ordeal.

How does your team prepare for tournaments and matches?

We train twice a week without armor: one session is dedicated to cardio and physical condition, and the other to judo and wrestling. Fighters who are too far away geographically train in judo or MMA clubs. Once a month, we meet to put on armor and work on strategies.

What is your team’s biggest strength or defining characteristic?

We are a very close-knit team where everyone knows their teammates well. We have mutual trust and are not afraid to move forward. We are aggressive and capable of overturn a match at any time. We never rest on our laurels and are constantly looking to introduce new techniques.

How does your team stay motivated and keep morale high?

Comté cheese, wine, beer, Morteau sausage and barbecue, in general, this is more than enough to keep morale up.

What are your team’s goals for the upcoming season or future?

Continue to develop and train new talents, while remaining a pillar of the French landscape.

How can fans and the community best support your team?

By following us on our Facebook page “Les Comtois” and our Instagram account “@les.comtois.behourd”, as well as by offering us beers AFTER the tournaments.

Comtois, rends-toi! Nenni, ma foi!

Photos Zoom En Lice, Xavier Quentien, François-Eric Fosse and Les Comtois

Translation Orphée Hagenstein Editory Aleksandra Lebdowicz



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